People are often promoted to leadership positions based on individual performance demonstrated on the job. Success for high performers often requires a shift in mindset. Many times, these individuals are ill-equipped to lead because their mindset is centered around “doing” vice looking ahead. Today, we’ll look at why vision and building relationships are critical to successful strategic leadership.
Continue reading “Think Strategically!”Are you my mentor?
Some of the first advice given to those looking to advance their careers is “Find a mentor!” Usually given by someone who could just offer to be one themselves (but don’t). How do you establish one? What makes for a successful mentoring relationship?
Continue reading “Are you my mentor?”Dream big? Bad advice!
As a child, I dreamed of being Frank Lloyd Wright. In high school, I decided to be a marine design engineer. After some work experience, I realized project management brought me much more joy. I adjusted my vision to be a senior engineering project manager. I finally gave in to my passion for developing people and decided to apply for management. Years later, I’m the head of financial operations for my organization. Am I a failure because I’m not an architect? Of course not!
Continue reading “Dream big? Bad advice!”Leadership: Personal Preparation
When studying leadership, we often read about inspiring people, emotional intelligence, and other intangible traits. While leaders have different styles there are fundamental areas to self assess in order to determine your readiness to lead. Perhaps more important to your success, the assessment may shape where you decide to lead. What are these areas?
Continue reading “Leadership: Personal Preparation”